thankubody launched in 2019 by Kim Rounsefell — a graphic designer and dietitian — aiming to provide accessible companion tools and resources to support community health and wellbeing, launched in 2019.
Self Love Zine Value Pack
Our bodies aren’t perfect, but they are always trying to keep us safe. Sometimes we need to say “thank you body.” This self care package includes 4 beautiful zines designed to build self-compassion and support self-care with ideas and tips and activities. Feel empowered in taking steps to support your mental, physical, and emotional wellbeing.
Use this as a reminder or a reference whenever you need encouragement. Read it out loud every morning or read it on silent before going to bed, these Zines will be your friend to always motivate you.
Creative Ingredients:
Thoughtful mind, encouraging heart, paper, pen and paper trimming tool ✂️
Self Love Zine Pack have:
Four Zines:
1. Brain Love: A Compassionate Look at Your Amazing Brain
2. Foldout Reference Guide: 70 Acts of Self Care
3. Love Me: A Step-by-Step Guide to Love Your Body Again
4. Me: A Zine Celebrating You
Thankubody's Commitment:
They aim to support the community with affordable and easy to understand tools that entertain, are uplifting, and empowering.
Giving Back:
They believe in amplifying community voices and their unique insights through independent media like zines. They donate a portion of zine proceeds to support non-profit organizations integrating creativity as part of public health programs.
Recycle/ Reuse:
All the Zines are made with 100% paper which can be easily recycled. But moreover, if you feel like you don't need these Zines anymore to remind you how imperfectly perfect you are, pass the zines to someone else who you think will use them. This way you are not only saving the planet but saving the hope of other people.