Please read the FAQ's below. If you can't find the answer you are looking for then submit your questions. We'll answer it!
We provide Fast Fulfillment service, but we also take detailed care when you place an order; so please allow us to pick and pack your products, get them ready for shipment in 48 hours or less. You can expect to receive your package in 2 to 8 business days after it's shipped!
Take advantage of free shipping on any order above $30.
Also, you have 3 paid shipping options:
1. Standard Shipping cost of $5.95,
2. USPS Priority Mail Shipping cost based on weights.
3. Free Pick up at Alroundr Office Location:
533 Airport Boulevard, Suite 400, Burlingame California 94010, USA.
Please Note: If you want to an insured package delivery then choose USPS Priority Mail Shipping. Standard and Free Shipping are not insured.
We’re so excited that your order is on its way! You will get an email with a shipping confirmation and ‘Track Order’ button. This will take you to the Shipping carrier website where you can follow how far it has traveled and when they plan to arrive at your doorstep!
We want to make sure your package is shipped to the correct address. We'll be glad to help make it right. Provided your order is not shipped, please send us a message at care@alroundr.com with your new shipping details and we will update this for you in no time.
Please note: We really appreciate you double-checking your address carefully before submitting, as once an item ships out we are unable to retrieve incorrect address packages.You can try contacting the carrier directly to intercept the package.
At the moment we only offer the service to the United States and ship packages within the United States. We cannot send packages to P.O boxes or Puerto Rico, Canada or internationally. Stay tuned for more updates as we grow!
We want to do our best for you, but sometimes things can go wrong. We completely understand that delays can be very frustrating. Once the carrier picks up an order from our facility, it leaves us beyond our control. This is where tracking email comes in handy — Keep tracking the package. Occasionally carriers may have some backlog that can delay the expected delivery date. Until you receive your package we are worried too. But if you are in panic mode, we are here to support you, email us at: care@alroundr.com
We are sorry! We will do our best to get the issue sorted as quickly and effectively as possible. On your behalf we will contact the carrier and investigate what might have happened.
In the meantime what you can do is double check the address on the order. Also check with neighbors or the mailroom if they've seen a package from us — Sometimes it can be misplaced.
Please Note: After our investigation of any missing packages, and providing proof it was never delivered by the carrier on time from their records/delivery confirmation- A replacement item will go out right away for you. However, we apologize for the inconvenience, we cannot guarantee a replacement/refund of missing or stolen items if it was delivered on time and reported missing after delivery.
We know that feeling when you are excited about your package and you can't find it but tracking says it's delivered. Don’t panic! As much as we want the technologies to be perfect there can be a glitch in the system. Sometimes the carrier may mark it as delivered before it arrives at your doorstep. Give us a little more time. Usually missing packages are found within two days of delivery.
Oh No! Help us to make this right for you. We request you to send a photo of your shipment at care@alroundr.com, so we can chat with our fulfillment department and make sure to take care of you properly.
With our commitment to getting your order as quickly and accurately as possible, we often process orders before the team has a chance to change it. We can't guarantee that an order will be changed after the order has been processed so please make sure you select carefully!